Thursday, October 14, 2010

Book Review: Path of the Warrior by Gav Thorpe

I just completed Path of the Warrior earlier today, and I must say I was thoroughly impressed. It is definately a must read for anyone with any interest in the Eldar. Definately better than Goto's nightmare. The book is very well written, making a great balance of the essential alien-ness of the Eldar race while still leaving the characters approachible. 
The insights into Eldar societies were invaluable, as I don't think anyone has ever put them as eloquently as Mr. Thorpe did here. They are definately far beyond the space elves that they've been. That and they pretty much confirm that the Incubi are the result of Arhra's fall. No more hinting.. just true. It was just a great piece of work. Very interesting to see just how much the path system really holds them and completely changes their outlooks on the world. Also how they look at humans and of course space marines. Possibly the best, however, was the Avatar and how the Eldar reconcile the taint of Khaine.
Getting into more would just give the story away.. and I want you all to read it! Go out! Give Gav your money! It's worth it. Then comment here and I'll talk your ear off about the rest of the book.

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