Monday, October 26, 2009

Class Presentations (Class)

So last week we presented our stuffies in class. My partner and I did Robert Gagne's 9 events of Instruction.... I don't know... The topic was already fairly well known to me, so researching it wasn't that exciting. Putting the Power Point together was fun, as always, and it was interesting researching Robert Gagne. Some of the pictures I found were fun.. like the one of him and his wife fishing. I guess I don't really understand this "6x6" rule though... I mean, Really? The title being staggered between two lines makes it harder to read? We need to separate thoughts because a bullet is one word too long? Doesn't make sense to me...
Some of the other powerpoints had some good stuff though. I've always wondered what a smartboard actually was. I keep hearing about them, but was never clear on what it actually was, so that was definately a good one.